Monday, January 17, 2011

Thankful for the Yucky Weekend Weather!

Hello Fellow Counselors,

Now if you know me, and most of you don't, I am NOT a rainy weather-type gal, or even cloudy for that matter.  I absolutely LOVE the sunshine and blue sky.  But this past weekend was an exception.  I really needed to get ahead (or just get my head above water) in all of my counseling classes, so needless to say the weather was not a temptation to stray from my focus.

I AM however seriously reconsidering my workload this semester.  I am doing this practicum, taking two other classes, and working full-time during TAKS season!  What was I thinking??  Oh yeah, that I want to finish!!!  Well, I'm trying to get organized and be efficient, but truthfully I didn't know there would be so many assignments in Practicum.  Creating this blog almost made my head spin, so I can't even begin to wrap my head around the autobiographical movie yet!  WHEW, well that was my ranting and raving for the week.  Thanks for letting me vent and oh look outside, SUNSHINE!  Yay, onto sunnier and brighter days!